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Getting Started

Dreamdata uses a script on your website to collect first-party data. This data is crucial for B2B companies to map out customer journeys and understand how interactions on your site contribute to revenue.

First-party data is directly collected from your website visitors. This includes actions like page views, form submissions, and product interactions. Dreamdata’s script focuses on this type of data, ensuring you have accurate insights from your own website.

Common Questions

  • Data Storage: We store the collected data securely and make it accessible to you.
  • Performance: Our script is designed to run asynchronously, meaning it doesn’t affect your site’s loading speed.
  • Cross-domain Tracking: The script can track user behavior across subdomains. For separate domains, additional setup is needed.
  • Privacy and Compliance: We adhere to GDPR and recommend including Dreamdata in your cookie policy.
  • Ad Blockers: Some ad blockers may interfere with tracking. Hosting the script on your domain can help avoid this issue.